Your Getting Things Done Matrix

Quick Exercise

Let our worksheet take the strain and act as your personal organiser. If you can just get started you'll soon build momentum. Here's how:
Separate and list your challenges and day to day stuff. Grade them out of 10 by importance and urgency. Type them into the worksheet and it will generate you a matrix, like the one below.
It will also guide you to fill in your prioritised To-Do List section where you can expand on the action required and add your completion date. You can even tag individual tasks to identify where you'd like some help getting the job done!
Try it now, before you get distracted. Just put your details in the box below.

  • 1. Download Your Worksheet

    Scroll below. Tell me your name & email address so I can send you the worksheet.

  • 2. Start making Progress

    Type in those all those nagging worries: your top 5-10 pains and problems.

  • 3. Urgent Vs Important

    Now grade each one out of ten by their urgency and their importance.

  • 4. Start making Progress

    With your personalised clarity matrix and prioritised To-Do list you're poised to kick on and take action.

Download your personal organiser to get on top of your tasks and challenges!